
Takes the division expression and returns the result in String with optional currency unit.

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Takes the division expression and returns the result in String

Why you need this?

When ever there is a need to represent the result of the quotient data from a divisor dividing a dividend, the getNumText() function solves a step lesser.

  • Pass in the number expressions as shown below.
    • ‘5678/789’
    • ‘876545.567/56789’


      npm i getnumtext


var getNumText = require('getnumtext');

getNumText('1234567890/456.78', {isCurrency:true})
//Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Two Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Two US Dollars  And Fifty Eight Cents Only

getNumText('3456789.987654/45678.87', {})
//Seventy Five Point Sixty Eight

getNumText('345678.567/678', {isCurrency:true, domicile:'USD', limit:3})
//Five Hundred Nine US Dollars  And Eight Hundred Fifty Cents Only


|Field| Default Value | Description| | — | ————- | ———–| |isCurrency | false | defines whether the resultant is currency or normal numerals.| |domicile | ‘USD’ | defines the currency country unit. asof now, USD and INR| |limit | 2 | defines the roundof limit for decimal numbers|